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A Step Without Feet


The screening of "A Step Without Feet" was a beautiful piece that showcased seven Syrian refugees' challenges while finding a new life in Berlin. One of the most striking aspects of the documentary was its ability to humanize the refugee experience while also building empathy towards the often negatively associated label "refugee." I felt touched when the interviewees talked about how they lost many aspects of their daily lives when they fled. One woman discussed how she used to have coffee with her mother almost daily but could not do that for a long time. Moreover, I felt a close connection to Saja Noori, a dancer. Dancing is a beautiful way to escape the stress of life, which is one way she coped with refugee life.

I appreciate and commend the seven refugees who so vulnerably put themselves out there for the world to see. It is difficult to experience the challenges of refugee life, but even more complicated to share personal stories that may bring back disheartening memories. I also want to thank Ms. Schamschula and Mr. Glaholt for creating a cinematic film featuring intimate portrayals of individuals facing displacement, loss, and hope. This documentary serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of community and compassion.

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