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Climate with Justin Worland


Justin Worland, a TIME senior correspondent, highlighted the intersection of policy, politics, and society while illustrating how it interacts with climate change. As someone who takes an interest in climate change, I was especially drawn to his talk. His discussion emphasized the need for the issues of the climate to be more embedded into people and even education. He specifically suggested putting news literacy into school curriculums which I agree would be a start to raising awareness about a multitude of issues that are not just exclusive to the climate. He further suggested that society do everything through a "climate lens" and that you don't need to be an activist to apply it to your own profession. This significantly highlighted the potential of a universal application of climate to make great change. In this sense, if you really want to, you can find a way to apply climate change to something you already enjoy doing. After going to the GIP event, I also had the honor of hearing Mr. Worland talk in my climate change course where he further shared how his experiences shaped his work. At first, he wasn't sure how to successfully intersect so many aspects of journalism but as he continued to write, he began to understand and appreciate his work more. As global citizens, it is important for us to be aware of how we can help the climate and apply it in our daily lives in as many ways as possible.

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