During the International Women's Day Event featuring Jennifer Hall Lee, I was exposed and opened to a multitude of issues women face from multiple perspectives. Lee's talk drew from her experiences during her recent 6-week tour of Pakistan where she interviewed women of all ages and classes on feminism. I was touched by the compassion in which she interacted with the local women in Pakistan and the stories that the women shared. I loved hearing about Lee's comparison of feminism in Pakistan vs in America. Feminism in Pakistan often intertwines with religious and cultural contexts, engaging with interpretations of Islam regarding women's rights, while American feminism tends to be more secular in nature. Specifically, Lee discussed the significance in reproductive rights and the controversy that surrounded the right. I learned that in Pakistan, some universities viewed using the word "feminist" as offensive because it was culturally wrong. A point Lee made that struck me was when she said feminism exists simply because we live in a male centered society. Overall, her presentation was a refreshing reminder that feminism is a powerful tool when utilized.
International Women's Day '24: Jennifer Hall Lee